Fourth Belgian Sabra-BBQ  23/12/2008   back

When     : 04/07/2004
Where    : Gierle, Hemeldonk 4 @ Jef Neefs

Thanks Els, Maria and Leo.

Organising a BBQ isn't that difficult but with all those Sabras and fanatics one must take care not to let one's guests die of starvation.
I'm lucky Leo and  Maria took over my less Sabra-like dutys.

Hall of fame:
Jef & Els won the prize for the ugliest Sabra (wonder how it's possible the thing keeps on running with that lack of attention)
André & Carine won the cup of the longest distance attenders
Jos Van Hemel won the prize of the most modified Sabra and the shortest distance attender
Gert Raes won the cup for the best looking Sabra (or most hors spent sanding the body)
Jacques Vandevelde won the second prize of most complete Sabra (had his starter solenoid ran properly he'd had won the first like every year)
Herman & Magda Pauwels won the prize of most longed for Sabra (empty space next to the white Sabra).
Jaak Jacobs won the prize for the prettiest Belgian Jowett Jupiter (seems to win this every year).
Michelle Vandevelde won the prize for the most-common-car  (Toyota).
Arno won the prize of the best cluedo-player.
Leo Heremans won the prize of the most-helpfull Scimitar-owner.

fltr:Jef, André,Jos, Gert, Jacques

frtl Jacques - Gert - Jos - André - Jef

At the rear: Jaak Jacob's Jowett Jupiter

Kon meer bezoek geweest zijn, 
There was room for more

Leo "Mr BBQ"

Maria & Els had done their best

Not the rear side of a beatle, but a boxer-engine, though watercooled, where is the radiator??

Every year everyone does his best to find an extra Sabra-thing.  This year Michèlle found:

PS Un cherche un volontaire pour organiser un Sabra-BBQ dans le Sud de notre pays (2005 sera encore dans le Nord sauf dans le cas qu'on peut nous convaincre qu'il sera beaucoup mieux organisé autre-part(;-)).
