- J_Repairs (24.05.2008
J: Thermostat
Been fiddling
around for some time with the cooling system. Seems to work the combination of:
Themostat standard opening at 82°C=180°F
Switch-Boss (200065)(steering the electric fan) closing contact at 92°C and
opening the circuit again at 87°C.
J: Cooling (added 29/08/2005)
When I bought my
Sabra in 1975 it was overheating - allways, I got to believe it was just poor
Learned recently from "Clem" who has bought a new Sabra in 1967 that
he never had cooling problems. He had in his mind: "The Sabra is
really a desert-car, it can stand the highest ambient-temps without any problem".
Conclusion was that something was wrong with MY car so I had to find out.
Problem was made complicated by the fact that:
Car had been
long driven without antifreeze, so when I purged the water it was allways VERY
Otter switch wasn't original.
There was no thermostat in the car.
Temp (and fuel) gauge showed the weardest readings.
Cooling fan engine was replaced by a far less powerfull one. (The
fan-blade was still original.)
At first I had the radiator recored with kind of a sports-core, bought a new
(Further not chronologically)
Flushed and flushed again the engine in every direction, even removed the
core-plugs to remove rust-particles from of the cooling-system.
Used anti-freeze.
Put in thermostat and new otter-switch (Switch-boss). (See above)
Had been checking the sender for the temp-gauge and this looked OK.
(Elsewhere documented) tried several systems to get a constant enough tension at
the two gauges.
Put in a cooling fan (engine and fan) from a VW Golf (early), fits if you drill
the three holes for fastening the engine 1mm wider.
In fact since I replaced the core the car never threw water out anymore.
But this "perhaps" due to the fact that I allways used all the tricks
to keep temperature down including manually bypassing the otter switch. (As
every Sabra owner seems to do.)
Only with the VW-Golf fan I started to feel comfortable in my Sabra in "heating-situations".
After a faster drive being forced in a queu made the fan come up (everyone has a
fan-indicator-light??) and switch off again, and back on and off...
Still in my opinion it was a pity to replace the original fan-blade with a
plastic one (VW) and the Golf-engine too looked "non-original".
Recently I got an original?? cooling fan engine in my hands (after 30 years of
Sabraing). Tried to find an original one or a look-alike.
Came up with the
heater fan of an MGB (nice car to ask for at scrap-yards or shops)(the engine is
bigger but it fits nicely in the hole where it should be.). I bought the
62-70-odd (one speed only) type.
Put the original Sabra-blade on it. The engine has a long axle so you can
put the fan-blade very close to the radiator, but you can remove the blade
without removing the radiator. The three fixing holes fit (remember I
widened the holes but perhaps will fit without drilling the holes wider).
Not easy to fit the spades of the electric wire in the holes to catch them but
life shouldn't allways be easy.
Just (had a sunny day over here 28/08/2005- remember) been driving around all
day at speeds too low for a Sabra 40-60 km/h followed by an apotheose of 1/4
hour queing over 1 km and the fan did it's job like it had to do. My
idle-rpm is very low but I've found out today that when driving at 60km the
gauge showed cooler in 3th gear than in 4th gear (almost no throttle remember),
perhaps due to the fan on the waterpump-pulley or to the flowing of more air
through the engine.
Didn't climb the
Mont Ventoux at temperatures of over 30* but "Clem", watching his
gauges wouldn't have noticed anything special today as with a Sabra you only
hear the fan-engine when the engine is off (Scimitars get kind of an
helicopter-sound when the fan switches on)..
I gave the relay
- controlled by the otter switch - a separate (secured) lead of 20 Amps that's
allways on 12V even when ignition is off.
I'll leave this for greater security but there's still the problem that the fan
only cools the radiator, not the hoses leading from waterpump to radiator.
Guess this means that the fan will be blowing too long when the engine's not
running. Putting the otter switch in the radiator body would be a
solution, but this would be too far a modification (to my appreciation).
Lately, when I stay near the car after switching off ignition and
the fan switches on, I wait a few minutes and then start the engine again for
some seconds. This gets cooler water in the upper hose where the
otter-switch is located and stops the cooling fan.
J: Cooling (added 11/07/2006)
On the road to the last (July 02, 2006)-meeting I noticed that
at 130km/h that when the warning light of the fan came on, temperature didn't
drop anymore.
Noticed that the fuse to the fan had blown. Put in a new one
that blew immediately. Got to the meeting and back home without problems:
the fan is only needed at very low speeds. I took of the fan-engine
and dismantled it: saw no problems nor causes. For now I can only conclude that
the MGB-fan (meant for use inside the car - and showing ventliation-holes at the
front-side) must have got current when it was blocked by snow and ice (last
winter), and that the permanent magnets have changed their magnetism under
influence of the current flowing through the blocked rotor.
I bought the same fan-engine (bought again with Anglo Parts) and put it in: no problems anymore
but as long as I have no real cause of the engine going wrong I'm not satisfied.
A fan-engine should work longer than one year!
The new engine didn't run half an hour and broke down again. Anglo Parts
now provided me with a new one for free but I don't trust it anymore.
Refit the Golf fan and will be looking for a better solution.
J: Cooling (added 25/10/2007)
Jacques provided us with a sketch of the cooling-heating hoses.

J: Cooling (added 25/10/2007)
This is part 200062, the Sabra's one is Reliant-made aluminum
and was corroded and leaked.
This one comes from a Thames VAN. (Thanks Geoff)
distance between the connecting holes centers 80 mm
diamater of the holes: 8.5 mm
outerdiameter of the tube 44.5 mm
It has markings moulded in:
These parts don't come with the Ford engine. |

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