Q_Reparaties - Q_Repairs (04.01.2009 ) Q Bodywork De strips tussen de kap en de bovenzijde van de voorruit 200667-200668. Weet niet hoe ze origineel waren maar ze kunnen perfect vervangen worden door dezelfde strips voor een MGB. Ikzelf heb wel aan e binnenzijde van de onderste aluminium-strip enkele gaatjes moeten zagen om de strip netjes te kunnen buigen in de vorm voorzien voor de Sabra. Toch amper een lekje. Q Bodywork restauratie
Hello Jacques
The original chassis were not very well protected
in the factory. I think they were thinly painted withouy any special rust
protection. This goes for all Sabres and Scimitars. Even so they last 30 years
or so. My logic was that with modern rust protecting paint and internal Waxoil
treatment (and always housed in a grage) they should last another 30 plus
years.Galvanising is relatively expensive and there is danger of distorting
the chassis with the heat based process. If you choose to galvanise be careful
to insert bolts into all threaded holes, otherwise you will have to re-tap
them all after galvanising. At the end of the day it is down to personal
I attach an extract from Bondaglass-Voss catalogue
giving details of "Bondprimer". I have specified this at work for
many years for rust protecting pipework in buildings. I used Chassis Black top
coat from Frosts - details on www.frost.co.uk.
You are obviously familar with Waxoil. I thing the preparation I have applied
together with good maintenance and garaging will ensure that our
grandchildren enjoy the car in their old age!!
The water based paint stripper was very successful
in my opinion and this is how I would strip paint if I ever do it again
(unlikely I hope). However it is a long and messy process. The stripper is
mild so that it does not attack the resin but it only removes one coat at a
time. The great benefits are that, being water based, you just wash and hose
the car at the end of each session and it leaves a perfect, undamaged gelcoat
finish once the last coat of paint had gone. Chemical stripper is good at
removing paint in awkward corners. I stripped and resprayed our Coupe nearly
two years ago and the finish is still good (except where Damon crashed
it!!). A friend of mine stripped his paint using a hot air paint stripper.
This was a disaster because it caused much damage to the gelcoat. I think
sanding would be very tedious, likely to damage the gelcoat and also very
dusty. I attach a photo of the Coupe fully stripped.
I have one original Sabre seat. They were made by
a company caller Restall specially for the Sabra/Sabre. Restall still
exists (see www.restall.co.uk) but no
longer make car seats. My plan is to use our Coupe seats which are a very
similar shape (the Coupe now has racing seats). An alternative would be
to buy new seats from someone like Holden (www.holden.co.uk).
My Sabre was originally maroon and this is our
current favourite choice for its respray colour.
Re the first meeting: Jaki always wished the event
to be low key just a chance for everyone, not just the owners of cars but
the partners as well to get together and chat and ENJOY the weekend together.
We are both glad that you chose to join us on that first meeting we still
remember it well and hope that all future meetings are as successful.
Porto for the Sabra/Sabre meeting in 2004 sound
tempting. Us Brits can catch a ferry to Bilbao or Santander. Bilbao to Porto
is about 460 miles. This would have to be a 1 to 2 week holiday but Jaki
already has it in her diary.
We have heard from John Leslie, who races a
Sabre, that he hopes to join us for all or part of the weekend in September.
His Sabre is a very well kept and shining red example of the mark.
Best regards.
Tony & Jaki
Hello, I'm having my seats refurbished at the moment (dec 2008). For your info the man I went did a lot of searching to find fabrics that could be used together with red leather cloth or red leather. Have a look at the website of West trading : there you search MG , then go to MG-11518 ( black and red) That is the one finally chosen. MG11518 Ford11518 Toyota 15118 Thanks Jacques Vandevelde No Repair, but a picture of the inside of the door locks 200734/5: Thanks Jacques; the arrow points at the only screw to loosenl. Q #200592 Door check link assembly - arrets de porte De Jean Pigeon pas mal qu'il soit documenté (et ne pas
oublié). Mr Pigeon has built in Renault 21 front door door checks in his car! Je me permets de vous rappeler l'intéret que vous trouveriez à installer des arrets de portes pour remplacer les pièces d'origine souvent défaillantes <; A trouver en démolission : 2 arrets de portes avant de Renault 21 ; je vous assure qu'il sont appropriés et ont la course exacte que demande la Sabra ; de plus , ils sont très faciles à monter, à fortiori lorsque les portières ne sont pas encore regarnies. Merci Msieur Pigeon.
Mail of bel mij als je tips, hints of kennis op dit gebied hebt... 03/236.00.84 |