Reserved for S200121 (Ca)
Warren & Barb Warner -WI-S200124
Alex Messina Canada S200126
Georg Sommer CH ST4734
Nils Flatebo N ST 4746
ST 4751 - IL
here's a gap
unknown how many numbers missing
former were MKI
later are MKII
Loheac museum Fr ST4759
for sale: Antonio Laghezza Italy GT4794
Miguel Fleta E ST4802
Silvio Cibien CH GT 4803
Peter Hoffmann HT 4804 (Lux)
Markus Tanner CH GT4805
Lost GT4808
Geoff, please push your car outside and provide me
with a decent picture one of these days???


Geoff Cooper B-UK GT4809
John Cartwright UK GT4810
left 4811 right GT 4812 |


Waiting to be restored |
Martin Schmidt CH HT4811 |
Georg Sommer CH GT4812
Rustyhenry D HT4817



B-UK-NL ?? GT4819
James & Alex Goren GT4819 |
Georg Sommer CH HT4822 |

in IL GT4824 |
Jürgen Meier D GT4827



Michel Roba (B) scrapped ST4830 |
Museum in IL 4833
E. Van Der Plas NL GT4835 |


Lost sold to??- HT 4844 |
Alois Mertens B HT 4846
Jacques Vandevelde B ST4847


André Ost B GT4859 |
Cédric de Menten de Horne B ST4864
Emile Robeyns B ST 4865
may not display
Miki Berger D ST4865 |
Erik V. GT 4866 (B)
being worked on |
Germany missing gearbox GT4869 |

Jacques' second GT 4870
Vanerom B GT4872 |
Chris Van Herck B ST4875

Neefs:ST4878 1976-Versailles
Gerard De Craecker B ST4879
Arthur Dominici LUX ST4881
Mevr. Leber Sabra B ST4883
Luc Meuwis B ST4883
Henk Theeuwes: B ST4884
easy to have an empty cell somwhere
Filip Van Humbeeck B GT4885
Michel Delouvroy B ST4889
Jean Pigeon B ST4891
André Delouvroy B ST4892
Luc Pacquée GT 4893 Pic on purchase

Mike Liska B GT4898
Mr Lambert B? ST????
For Sale B GT4901
Robert Brandy SS300xxx |

Robert Brandy |
Prototype (KSBOWN1) |
lost |
Contact again: S200075 above |
Lost contact
S200188 ex André Delouvroy
Richard Benett: F/sale?

??B?? |
?? USA??
? ?
??IL?? |
Pic taken in 1978 in Belgium ? by Silvio